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Premier Author-Book Publishing

Premier Author-Book Publishing

Regular price $699.00 USD
Regular price $1,500.00 USD Sale price $699.00 USD
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Your purchase includes:
  • Publish work in paperback soft cover format and ebook format 
  • Line editing and revision up to 12,000 words ($40 per additional 1,000 words-rounded up to the closest thousand)
  • Lifetime Commercial Rights
  • ISBN Number assigned by Amazon
  • Bookland EAN barcode
  • Complimentary Author proof in soft cover format
  • U.S. Copyright Registration
  • U.S. Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)
  • Cover Design and Interior Typesetting
  • eBook Formatting and Distribution
  • 5 Promotional Assets for Marketing your book on social media platforms
  • OPTIONAL Landing Page additional $75
  • 50% DEPOSIT required to begin work
  • Average 30-Day turnaround

Publish Work in Softcover Format: Get currently publishes all books in paperback/softcover and eBook format only. You have the choice to have your softcover formatted with a matte or glossy exterior. Whether you choose a black and white or color interior, your book is made from high-quality materials from cover to cover!

Line Editing and Revision: Get works closely with each author to ensure his or her written works are the absolute best product being placed before the public. The author’s “voice” remains true as our editing team works tirelessly to edit and revise your work for flow, grammar, transitions, and more—one line at a time.

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and Bookland EAN Barcode: An ISBN is a 10-digit number assigned to every publication, recording details such as language, author, and publisher. Each project (i.e., book, eBook, audiobook) is assigned its own ISBN. An ISBN is not optional when distributing published works online and in stores. Booksellers prefer to use a machine-readable or scannable version of the ISBN in their systems’ processing. The Bookland EAN Barcode is the most widely-used barcode format in the publishing industry, as it encodes the ISBN and may also include the retail price.

Complimentary Author Proof and Author Copy: During the production process, you will receive and review one (1) FREE paperback/softcover copy of your book. The immense feeling of JOY you will gain from holding YOUR fully-published book in your hands is indescribable!

Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): With an LCCN through Get, your book will be registered and linked to the United States Library of Congress, libraries throughout the United States, bibliographic utilities, and other book vendors. An LCCN is a unique identifier that assists with cataloging data, which the Library of Congress and third parties make available on the Web and through other media sources

U.S. Copyright Registration: Registering your written work with the U.S. Copyright Office provides a public record of your ownership of your literary work. Get will complete and submit the necessary documentation to the U.S. Copyright Office along with a final copy of your book. Upon completion of registration, you will receive an official certificate that verifies your book’s coverage under U.S. copyright laws and regulations.

➢ Copyright fulfillment timeline –

o Copyright forms are completed and sent to the U.S. Copyright Office with a copy of the final version of your book.

o Ranging anywhere from 12 – 18 months after submission (could be longer due to the influx of applications), you will receive printed notification of the completed process in the form of a Certificate of Registration.

o Get will maintain a copy of the record in their office.

o Copyright will be exclusively in the Author’s name

There has never been a Better Time or Better Price to fulfill your Dream of becoming a Published Author!

After completion, you will receive a PDF file with the links to all your files. A copy of the download will also be sent to the email you entered at purchase. 

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